Here's the Valentine chipboard love book that DS and I created for my awesome husband-DS's father.
Pages 1-2 were created by me, pages 3-4 were created by DS and the last two pages were created by both of us. Needless to say, there's no X-rated stuff in this book ! ;) I scanned the pages with a black piece of cardstock behind them for scanning purposes as the edges of the pages were uneven ; so while viewing the pages, keep in mind that the black CS that you see here doesn't exist IRL. The photo of DH and I was taken by my friend Nathalie V. about 2-3 years ago in Montréal. Remember the occasion, Nathalie ? It was at the Butterfly Exhibition during Easter time. Lovely memories !

It was lots of fun and very satisfying to finally use some of those Valentine embellishments that I have collected over the years. I still have lots more to create more Valentine books in the next few years, hehehe ! As a matter of fact, I've already chosen next year's Valentine books from my stash ! Supplies used here includes MM papers and stickers, SEI papers, 7Gypsies rub-ons, KI Memories heart (very last page), Scenic Route lined PP, Bazzill textured CS, AC pen and various heart punches.
Today President Obama is visiting in Ottawa for the first time since his election. The town was all buzzing about it including students at my workplace. As a result of this important visit, the buses were taking different routes today for protection reasons so all streets leading to downtown and near the Parliament were closed to public. It made for a different bus circuit for me when I left work at 1 p.m. and I enjoyed it ! I happened to have my camera with me since I brought it to school to take pics of my students working on their painting so I got lots of glances thrown towards my Canon 30D. A bus passenger asked me if I had been downtown to photograph Obama and several passengers turned their heads my way to hear my answer ! I didn't think that the passenger behind me was talking to me when he asked that question but when the passenger in front of me turned around to hear my answer, I made the connection with the camera around my neck and answered, "No, but it would have been fun !" and then we chatted. I wish I would have had the opportunity to photograph Obama ! :)
My principal asked me today to design our teachers-aides (the school personnel) room, you know the place where we eat, talk, relax and have meetings in. The room is really ugly and has always been that way - I've been teaching at the same school for the past 22 years. I hope that I remember to take before and after pictures. My first step for the renovations ? To choose the paint colors and then some teachers will be volunteering to paint it one weekend. I have already submitted an idea to decorate the walls of the room and I got a very enthusiastic "YES !" to go ahead with my plan ! My principal loves what I designed for our school's office last year, she regularly tells me how much compliments they (the two principals and the secretaries) get for that art display from the parents, the visitors and the teachers, etc. It's always fun to hear that one's work is appreciated ! Personally, I loooooove changing the students' artwork in that Art Gallery that I designed last year, I get such a kick at designing it every couple of weeks. It is such a fun project !
Well I'm off to finish off a Project365 double pager. These are so much fun to make ! I'm trying to think of some ways for my students to do that kind of project next year, about their school year. I need to iron out the particulars of this project made by students who don't have a camera for the most part, and other important aspects of this very cool project.
Thanks for stopping by !
This is such a beautiful little book, one I'm sure Pierre will cherish forever! I'm sure you & Rafael took great pleasure making it, and it shows. :) I wanted to post about Obama coming to Ottawa and I forgot, so I'm glad you did- I was going to ask you if you went. I sure would have loved to come and see that with the boys.