We saw today, for the first time, a hummingbird eating in our hummingbird feeder. It was SO cool ! Man, these birds move their wings super duper fast ! They are like mini-rotators ! LOL I got a few pics but none that are in great focus. I'll need lots of practice and lots of photos to get decent ones, I'm sure of that ! :)
Rafael was testing limits big time today. Pierre and I were on the same page though and held strong. It's hard to parent in those moments - or days - but the end result in a few years will be way worth it ! At least, that's what were telling ourselves ! LOL
I spent some time in my scrapbook room this afternoon - I'm aiming to finish a page and start one or two tomorrow ... or perhaps tonight ! I just might lift some pages from different scrapbookers that I admire ! :) That would go faster ! ;)
Yesterday, while I was getting back into our car with our camera in hand after photographing some birds, I hit the side of my right eyebrow really hard with my camera and the skin bursted open. I was massaging it, saying that it was hurting a lot when Pierre said that it was bleeding quite a bit. I looked at my hand and lo and behold, it was bloody ! ACK ! Well maybe you don't want all of the gory details, but anyhow .... I have a really nice dark bruise and I confess that I haven't tried to remove the black part topping the bruise as it is still too painful. I'm expecting that within a week, most of it will have healed though. I now have a healthier respect for our camera's impact on my life ! LOL
Since I haven't posted a new LO in a while (I have some new ones unscanned so far - I'd rather scrap or make cards than scan), I'm leaving you with a layout that I don't think I've ever posted - one that I did sometimes last fall. Have a great evening !

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