Lots of happenings today. The day was sunny and less cold that last week, which was great ! I prefer when it's sunny as it puts a lovely glow on everything. I love walking in this kind of weather !
This morning, I snapped some photos on my way to work. DH always very willingly stops the car by the tree or the view I wish to photograph. It felt good to take photos in nature like that again as I haven't been able to do it the past several weeks due to my painful neck or too frigid weather. I always feel in tune with my being when taking photos of nature , framing scenes that have caught my eye and hoping that the photos turn out just the way my eyes first saw the scenes, with my heart in my throat.
Here's one I snapped on my way to work, on the same street in Ottawa where I took the photo that is my banner right now.

I just love those spikes laden with snow.
One of my creativity moments today consisted of experimenting with drawing on a piece of fabric with some special pastel fabric crayons as this coming Thursday, I will be starting a wonderful project with my grade 2-3 students : I'll be teaching them how to draw 4 background scenes on 2 metres by 2 metres pieces of fabric for the play that they are preparing with their homeroom teacher. I quite enjoyed my little experimentation this afternoon and I am much looking forward to teaching the process in 2 days. I love teaching art ! Be on the lookout for some photos later on this week.
My grade 6 students (a class of all girls and a class of all boys) are enjoying tremenduously the making and creating of their B.O.M. album. Everyday I get asked if they'll be doing their scrapbooks during their English period with me ! :) I loooove seeing their album evolving both in journaling content and in creative content. They are so creative, so enthusiastic and so thrilled to be doing this project, it makes my heart glow. Some of them have already started to ask me what will their next writing-art project be for English class ! :) It makes me smile with pleasure ! They don't know it yet, but when all of their B.O.M. are completed, I will organize a special presentation for them to share their beautiful book with the rest of the school body and their parents. Such lovely and precious keepsakes that they are creating ! I wish I had such a keepsake from the time I was in elementary school.
I learned today that a dear dear friend of mine has lost her brother. Please have a moment or two of your thoughts or prayers for her and her family in this time of grief. Thank you.
I had a really short night yesterday so I'll bid you good-night as I'm aiming to do the same as my son right now as seen in the photo below ...

... minus the cherished penguin for me of course ! LOL
two beautiful photos - I love the fence posts also.