Well, the month of January is well on its way, just another week and we'll be welcoming a new month ! I've been taking at least one photo every day for Project 365 (and DH and DS are also participating some days) and I must say that I am thrilled with this project. I am taking photos that I would never have thought of taking, were it not for this project.
Here's the photo I took yesterday for Project 365 : it's what I see when I wake up in the morning, a view from my lying down position in my comfy bed. The first thing I do when I open my eyes is to look at the clock to see what time it is. I love seeing in the mirror the photo frames that we hung just over our bed several years ago. I never get tired to see them. They make me smile every morning.

Here's a layout that I created last November. I never got around to post it anywhere in its entirety - although I did post a bit of it in my flickr account. I love mixing photos from different days and I also love mixing different papers from mainly one color - so here it was fun playing with different patterns of greens. This LO is about my son's love for learning.

Gotta go and get ready for work. I am much looking forward to my very excited grade 4 and 5 students starting their BOM or BOF (book of favorites) this morning. One of their moms told me yesterday how her son explained to her about the book and it was so cool to hear it. I'll share the story here in a bit, just not this morning.
Have a great day and savor the present moment !
That is such a fabuous layout- reminds me very much of the CZ class pre-assignment. :) I'm going to lift it ( love the circle form!) if you don't mind..
RépondreSupprimerHave a great Friday Danielle. :)
Elle est trop belle cette page Danielle! J'aime autant le sujet que tout ces ronds avec une bordure de blanc frais!
RépondreSupprimerJe ne pourrais pas avoir mon cadran aussi loin de moi! Premièrement je ne suis pas sûre que je serais en mesure de voir quelle heure il est et ensuite, j'ai besoin d'être tout prêt du bouton "snooze" pour pouvoir appuyer dessus à quelques reprises! MDR
oops... pas "prêt" mais "près" parce que je suis loin d'être prête à me lever lorsque le cadran sonne le matin! ;)