I started Project 365 at the end of December and guess what ? This project is much easier to do than I had anticipated and I am thoroughly enjoying the whole process. I am finding myself taking photos of activities and things that I would never have t
hought of documenting before this project. It's making me see my life in a different way, in a bigger and richer way. Hard to put into words tonight, but I love this project, I am really involved in it and so is my husband and my son.
This afternoon, I started working on a Valentine's book. I will be making 3 of them altogether, one for each member of my small family of 3. Once each chipboard book's pages will have been covered with PPs, the 3 books will be distributed within my family to be filled up with photos and journaling : one book for my DH and I to fill up for our 8 year old son, one book to be filled up by DS and myself for DH and the third book to be filled up by DH and DS for me. All three books will be our Valentine's gift to each other. I wanted to do that project last year, but it turned out that I didn't have the time to do it. This year, I started early enough to have them ready to exchange them on February 14th.
So, here's what occupied 2 hours of my time late this afternoon :

I used a K&Co. chipboard album that I got at Michael's last year plus some Valentine patterned papers that I already had in my stash. I aim to do the other 2 books sometimes this week. I was thrilled to have the Fiskars finger exacto knife among my tools as it came so very handy in cutting around those different-shaped pages. My son Rafael wanted to try this tool also and he was very successful at it. Ever so careful with his security since he was very small, he took great care in using it in order to be safe. It almost seemed like this great tool was made for kids' fingers. Go figure ! I thought that he was using it better than I did although I've used it a few times already ! LOL
By the same token, I taught him how to rubberstamped so he chose 2 stamps (one with a month calendar and the other one, a journaling stamp because he wants to journal on it !) and then he stamped them and cut

Well, I'm leaving you on this note ! Thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow ! :)

Welcome to the world of blogging, Danielle. I hope you'll continue to share your thoughts here. I love keeping in touch with my friends through their blogs. :)
RépondreSupprimerFélicitations pour ton nouveau blog! J'ai bien hâte de voir tes photos pour ton projet 365 et j'espère que tu partageras tes beaux minis avec nous s'ils ne sont pas trop personnels. =)
RépondreSupprimerWelcome to blogland Danielle, I'm so happy to see you here!!! I've bookmarked you and will visit often. :) :) :) Miss you!
RépondreSupprimerHow exciting that you've starting blogging Danielle - hasn't Raphael grown! He's looking so handsome.