I thoroughly enjoyed my 2-hour walk while my two guys thoroughly enjoyed the 2009 edition of the Auto Show. Here's Rafael trying some new features in a new car :

We started our Sunday by having a relaxing morning and then during the afternoon, we picked up my nephew and took off for the peat bog Mer Bleue. It was very beautiful but also very cold ! Brrr ! We didn't stay for very long, walked a bit, took a few photos and then drove in the vicinity, admiring the white beauty of winter. Here's what we saw when we turned a corner :
Then off to Costco to pick up some photos and a few vegetables for my week's homemade soups. We finished off our day by having our traditional weekend Movie Night while eating dinner. The 2 boys had chosen to rent Surf's Up at the video store, which ended up being a funny and entertaining movie !
This morning after the homework and studies of the two boys, my 3 guys went snowshoeing and since I had to stay home (neck pain), I finally took the time to select the rest of the photos for my son's December Daily and my own December Daily. DH got the photos ready to print at Costco through Q-Image this afternoon. I'm so happy about that as now both December Dailies will be finished by Rafael and I, most likely this week ! I also started designing my first Project 365 layout this afternoon and will be working on it tomorrow afternoon ! So stay tuned for new postings of LOs this week ! I made a soup this afternoon and seems like it was very yummy as the whole batch was eaten tonight for dinner ... LOL ... so I made another one tonight for this week.
While I was making the second batch of soup, the two cousins were having a great conversation (it was so interesting to hear !) about Canada, its provinces, the 5 Great Lakes, the bays, the oceans, asking each other questions about locations of one place in relation to another (e.g., what is located at the north-west of ..., etc), upping the difficulty of the questions all the while writing the names of provinces, territories, Great Lakes, etc, on a large map of Canada that I photocopied for my students and that Rafael had asked me for several copies for his personal use. The advantages of having a mother who is also a teacher, huh ! LOL

I'm wishing you an awesome day tomorrow ! I'm much looking forward to hearing my grade 6 students talk about their 3 days stay at the winter camp last week ! I asked one of their teachers to have them journal daily at the camp about their activities and they don't know it yet, but they will be doing a scrapbook (photos plus journaling) about their unique winter camp experience ! Thanks for stopping by !
Such wonderful photos, Danielle. I'm glad you guys had a nice LONG weekend. :)